Name: Abdallah Mohamed
Profile: front-end developer
Email: starway181@gmail.com
Phone: +201007439034
Address: Giza-Egypt
HTML 85%About me
I'm Abdallah Mohamed, I've born in Giza-Egypt.
I've studied at STEM Schools in Egypt, if you don't know about it, it's an orgnization
which depends on out of box ideas also it's abbreviation for (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)
I've made many successful stories in this school.
-Fab Lab team leader
-Robotics Instructor (Ardouino with C programing language)
-Founder and CEO of Technoway for Events managment
-Founder at STARWay for Events managment
-Partner with ROBOTED company for elecronics industry
-IMO competitions (international Mathmatics olympiad)
-Assistant IT
-Event organization with patner of Egyptian TV
-Bussiness administration diploma at Creighton University
-Marketing manager at Events for future
I've studied at Helwan University Faculty of science, too.
I've worked also in sales categories in misr pharmacies and cosmetics products knowlege, The
I prefered programming career so I changed my career into front-end developer, I've learned HTML, Css, JS and many frameworks.
I've worked as freelancer then in VIIEAR company as front-end developer.
I've modifed my skills to be able to work for future.
I believe that success come from developing and developing come from learning, so I learn every moment new things.
Web Design
Designing website from scratch.
Including graphic designs
convert from psd to HTML
UI/UX Designs
Web Development
Making websites from scratch using (HTML,CSS,JS)
apply froameworks as (Bootstrab, TawilindCSS, JQuery, React)
Responsive design fits all devices
Web and mobile Applications
Graphic Designs
Making creative desihns for your bussiness.
using Illustrator and Photoshop